
1988 Volleyball -3 1988 Volleyball -4 1988 Volleyball -6 1989 August Campers Arriving
1989 August Campers with Gear 1989 Tire Wall Maintenance -1 1989 Tire Wall Maintenance -2 AUM 1985 -1
AUM 1985 -3 AUM 1985 -5 AUM 1985 -7 AUM 1985 -8
AUM 1985 -11 AUM 1985 -14 AUM 1985 -15 AUM 1985 -16
AUM Banner off Peniel Hall Campers moving out of Camp Peniel Campers Ready for Devil's slide Campers Waiting for Directions
Dixie Leading Group at Office -1 Dixie Leading Group at Office -2 Dixie Leading Group at Office -3 Heading for the canoes
Staff - Summer and Group at Peniel Hall Staff Taking Pictures 1985 Tire Swing -2 1988  Volleyball -3
1988 -1 1988 -2 1988 -4 1988 -5
1988 -6 1988 -9 1988 -10 1988 -11
1988 -12 1988 -15 1988 -16 1988 -23
1988 -24 1988 -25 1988 -26 1988 -27
1988 -31 1988 -32 1988 -33 1988 -34
1988 Volleyball -1 1988 Volleyball -2